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Teaching Stories Mimetically – Webinar Recording
  • Publish Date
    : 2021-03-17


Availability: In stock

Teaching Stories Mimetically - Webinar Recording
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*** Webinar Video Recording ***

In this webinar, CiRCE Head Mentor Matt Bianco will look at how we can use mimetic teaching so that our students can learn from the elements authors use in their stories. What do characters reveal to us? What does the setting of a story communicate? What role does weather play? What do symbols mean and how can we learn to identify them?

The webinar will build on ideas already taught in previous mimetic webinars (An Introduction to Mimetic Teaching and How to Prepare a Mimetic Lesson) by first reviewing the mimetic stages of a lesson, then seeing how the stages can be used to teach us how to approach and understand the elements of story.

NOTE: A link to the video recording will be emailed to you upon purchase.