The Hearth
Welcome to The Hearth!
There’s a seat for you at the table. (Let’s face it. Most of us homeschool at our dining table, so this makes perfect sense!)

What is The Hearth?
Your Guide
Tonya Rozelle has been classically educating herself and others for the past 20 years. This adventure began when she started homeschooling her own children, an action that quickly led to her realization that there was much she did not know. Not wanting to end the adventure after her own children graduated, she began teaching in a private classical high school. She is forever thankful to the Lord for, among other things, leading her to this crazy thing called classical education.
Tonya especially loves digging into connections between the liberal arts, studying history, and reading from an ever-growing booklist. She graduated from CiRCE’s Certified Master Teacher Apprenticeship program in 2020.
How will we do this?
2024-2025 Registration Coming Soon!
First Gathering: September 3, 2024
This schedule was selected with you in mind. My hope is that, no matter where you live, you can carve out this time for yourself, perhaps during an extended lunch break or afternoon naptime. This is essential time for mom to learn and equip herself for an incredibly important task with which the Lord has entrusted her.
1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 5-6pm ET for equipping and discussion
3rd Thursdays @ 4-5pm ET for bonus book club discussion
The first Tuesday of each month will be our first look at the topic for that month. (See the annual Schedule of Topics for more details.) You will receive 20 to 30 minutes of information followed by discussion when you can ask questions and wrestle with the topic a bit.
The third Tuesday of each month will be our second look at the topic for that month. This will be an opportunity to go deeper in your understanding of the topic through guided questions and to discuss how this new knowledge can be woven into your homeschooling journey, both that week and in years to come.
The third Thursday of each month will be our bonus book club. Each book will focus, in either a general or specific way, with our pursuit of Christian classical education. It will be conversational in nature and open to all Hearth members regardless of where you are in the book.
Additional Member Benefits
Join the Hearth today to receive special member benefits!
During the summer, Tonya Rozelle will offer a bonus book club on Vigen Guroian’s Tending the Heart of Virtue (Second Edition). The Summer Book Club will meet June 4-August 6, Tuesdays, 4:00-5:00pm ET. Members are welcome to join at anytime during the summer.
Hearth members receive access to previous Hearth monthly topic calls with Renee Mathis and Tonya Rozelle after registration.
An important goal for The Hearth is to help provide a community for online learning and gathering in person. We are planning to offer in person gathering opportunities at our CiRCE regional and national conferences each year. Special discounts for registration will be available for members for our fall and spring regional conferences.
Calendar and Topics
September – The Canons of Rhetoric: Invention – What It Is
October – The Canons of Rhetoric: Invention – How To Use It
November – The Canons of Rhetoric: Arrangement – What It Is
December – The Canons of Rhetoric: Arrangement – How To Use It
January – The Canons of Rhetoric: Elocution – What It Is
February – The Canons of Rhetoric: Elocution – How To Use It
March – The Canons of Rhetoric: Memory – What It Is
April – The Canons of Rhetoric: Memory – How To Use It
May – The Canons of Rhetoric: Delivery – What It Is and How to Use It
If you are unable to attend any sessions, recordings will be available on The Hearth Canvas course page. All late registrants will pay full price and have access to the Canvas course and all recordings.