How to Write for Us
If you’re interested in writing for CiRCE, this is the page for you.
We’re always interested in publishing contemplative, well-written articles and features on Christian classical education. And we love discovering – and offering a platform to – new writers. But whether you’re a new writer or an experienced one, we welcome your submission. If you want to move to the front of the class, be sure to check out Katerina Kern’s 12 Rules for Writing:
Before you send your work, though, please note these requisite details and requirements:
Submissions for the Website:
If you are interested in submitting an article to be featured on our website please email Courtney Allen here.
- Please submit your article as a Word attachment or a Google doc.
- Please include your name, a photo, and one- to two-sentence bio with your submission.
- Submissions to the website are on a donation basis (byline and bio are compensation). If we’re especially fond of your article, however, and if we have roster space available we may ask you to become a regular contributor and then we’d consider paying you in actual dollars. :)
- All articles are automatically archived.
- Please double-check for spelling and grammar errors before submitting. Your submission will be edited for length, content, style, and tone.
- Submission for the website should be between 800 – 1200 words in length
Submissions for the FORMA Journal:
If you are interested in submitting a feature for publication in our bi-annual print journal please send examples of your work to the FORMA Editorial Staff here along with a one-paragraph pitch.
- Please submit your samples and pitch as separate Word attachments or a Google doc.
- Please include your name, a photo, and a one to two-sentence bio with your pitch.
- Please note that your submission will be edited for length, content, style, and tone.
- Magazine articles should be 1200 – 2000 words.
We try to respond to all submissions but please note that sometimes this is impossible. If you haven’t heard back after four weeks, please assume we won’t be able to post your submission at that time.