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Jane Austen

Deserving Mr. Darcy: An Austenesque Apologia for Classical Education

When Darcy appears, girls swoon; and when Jane Austen speaks, they listen. Countless TV adaptations and spin-offs have helped establish her as an authority on all things love and romance, even (or especially) amongst teenage females—an astonishing feat for an eighteenth-century spinster in the age of Gilmore Girls. But, while many count Austen an authority […]

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Don’t Follow Your Heart: Anti-Revolutionary Lessons from Pride and Prejudice

David, Tim, and I are getting ready to launch a new Close Reads series on Pride and Prejudice. In preparation for that discusion, here’s an article I wrote on Pride and Prejudice four years ago. It’s easy to forget when reading a Jane Austen novel that she wrote during a time of great revolutionary upheaval:

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What Jane Austen Can Teach Us about Modesty

We live in a sexually saturated age. Anyone can see that. From deodorant advertisements to children’s clothing, our culture has become shockingly sexualized. Even people who have fully embraced the Sexual Revolution express concern that we may have gone too far. Not surprisingly, Christians have observed this frightening trend and tried to respond to it.

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