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Joshua Leland

Josh Leland is a humanities teacher at Covenant Classical School in Concord, NC. He earned his BA and MA in English from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He and his wife, Rebekah, also a teacher, and their five children, Ransom, Calvin, Alethea, Mary, and Olga live in Charlotte, NC. [Editor's note: He's also quite a good poet].

Ad Fontem

The following is the seventh in a series of posts on teaching rhetoric. Having explored the ethical ad hominem appeal to the character of a person or thing, we will now turn to a closely related appeal: ad fontem. “ad fontem/to the source”: when the source of information is used as a reason for doing/not doing something. As finite […]

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Rhetoric Part 3 The Three Modes of Persuasion: Ethos

 Much of the study of rhetoric originates from the Golden Age of Classical Greece, which the Romans picked up, imported and appropriated for themselves. One of the central concepts in classical rhetoric involves something called the Three Modes of Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Aristotle teaches in his work “Rhetoric” that all persuasion is affected

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