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Elliot Dunn

Elliot Dunn is a teacher in Bucks County, PA. He creates spaces for students to experience goodness and beauty.

Tips for Virtual Teaching Now That the Novelty is Gone

As our foray into virtual teaching begins to lose its novelty, I’d like to offer some practical tips and tricks for maintaining a cohesive classroom environment online. I’ve previously written on some of the pertinent philosophies behind virtual teaching, defending it as a fit environment for nurturing learners. Consider Asynchronous Learning It’s important to recognize

Tips for Virtual Teaching Now That the Novelty is Gone Read More »

Mozart on a Whim

Mozart died at 35 having composed over 600 compositions. I circle that age, 35, over and over again until I fear the pen will rip through the page. Why that number means more to me than the number of compositions underscores a simple reality about learning: we can’t stop ourselves from connecting. This is what

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