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A Cultivation of Virtue Virtual Ticket

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A Cultivation of Virtue: How to Renew Christian Classical Education

The cost of this conference is a donation of whatever size you feel you can make. Please do not let cost keep you from attending. If you can’t afford a donation, please feel free to come at no cost. If you can, we welcome your partnership.
(Suggested donation $67)

Can’t make it live? Recordings of all talks will be provided to all registrants for free.

When we search for harmony, coherence, or meaning in our public discourse we are tempted to give up in despair. Increasingly, our age seems to believe the world itself has no meaning or coherence. On the one hand, they see it as liberation: it means we are free to choose ourselves and make our own meaning. On the other hand, it means that in a world of mechanism and force, each of us is on our own. Freedom is an escape from reality into chaos. Meanwhile, virtue is as needed as ever, but the path to its discovery is lost.

The Christian classical tradition reminds us that the lamp of the body is the eye and if we want to see God He requires purity of heart. Aristotle insisted that the path to wisdom required control of the passions. Over and over our mentors remind us that the cultivation of wisdom and virtue is the beginning and end of education – and civilization. Instead of freedom to do whatever you want and thus to slide into slavery, a Christian classical education teaches us how to govern ourselves and thus be truly free. After all, free people rule themselves. That is why we find at the heart of classical thought a once famous line from Plautus, the Roman comic playwright: *Virtus praemium est optimum*: Virtue itself is the highest reward.

The second CiRCE global online conference is a call to renew Christian classical education through a humane and Logos-centered curriculum, an incarnational pedagogy, a pious heart, and a coherent mind. Come participate with us in the renewal of Christian classical education and the souls and societies that depend on it.


Andrew Kern

Dr. Matthew Bianco

Andrea Lipinski

Dr. Joesph Wysocki

Heidi White

Greg Wilbur

Tim McIntosh

Wes Callihan

Christopher Perrin

Katerina Kern

Difff Crowther

Michael Mendietta

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