Apprenticeship registration is now open!
4th of July Picnic

Suggested Price: $20.00

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

Independence Day is one of the most American of civil holidays. It comes with its own set of traditions, values, and rituals. What would the Fourth of July be without grilled meats, the American flag, and fireworks? Who could imagine an Independence Day celebration without red, white, and blue decorations everywhere, including the clothing of friends and family? And music!  

For many years now, The CiRCE Institute has hosted a Fourth of July celebration for friends and family, near and far. People have come from as near as our local community and from as far as states away. It’s a blast, literally (we do have fireworks!), that you don’t want to miss. 

Please join us this year for our first ever 4th of July celebration at the new CiRCE offices in Kannapolis, NC. We will have some amazing stuff including: 

  • A bounty of food 
  • Free flowing drinks 
  • Water activities for the kids 
  • A chance to beat the unbeatable Andrew Kern at ping pong 
  • Fireworks to light up the evening sky 

Family, friends, children, and enemies are all welcome to join us for this special occasion. We suggest a donation to come, but no matter what, please know that you are invited.  


July 4th, 2024  

4:00pm – 8:00 pm (or later)  


6125 Lumber Lane 

Kannapolis, NC 28083 


We are also hosting a special Georgian Supra fundraiser dinner on Wednesday evening, July 3rd. This one-of-a-kind event has extremely limited spots, so click here to sign up for this event and then stay for both parties!