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Summer Supra – Pre-July 4th Fundraising Dinner

Suggested Price: $100.00

Availability: In stock

– Minimum Donation Amount: $100 –


Independence Day is one of the most American of civil holidays. It comes with its own set of traditions, values, and rituals. What would the Fourth of July be without grilled meats, the American flag, and fireworks? Who could imagine an Independence Day celebration without red, white, and blue decorations everywhere, including the clothing of friends and family? And music! For many years now, The CiRCE Institute has hosted a Fourth of July celebration for friends and family, near and far. People have come from as near as our local community and from as far as states away. It’s a blast, literally (we do have fireworks!), that you don’t want to miss.

This year, we are doing something extra, something special. We are combining our Fourth of July Celebration with a special fundraising dinner the night before on July 3rd. We want to introduce you to an old tradition that is new to us, a formal dining experience known as the Georgian Supra. It’s a special kind of dinner filled with stories and songs, poetry and humor, and plenty of food and wine. It’s the sort of dinner that, once you’ve experienced it, you will almost certainly want to replicate it for your family and friends.

We want to introduce you to this special dining experience, and raise some funds for the Institute along the way—though sharing this dining experience is much more important to us! At this special dinner, which will be limited to a small group of CiRCE staff and a small group of donors (hopefully including you!), we will talk about the Supra, what it is and how it works, and we will experience the Supra, so that you can recreate the experience with others.

Seats are extremely limited for this event, so don’t delay registering! For a minimum donation of $100, you can guarantee yourself a seat at the Supra table and help support CiRCE along the way. Even better, you don’t have to travel all the way to Kannapolis, NC for just this dinner, because you can stay the next day, July 4th, and join us for our annual Fourth of July celebration!

To register, sign up and make a donation.

For your planning purposes, the dinner will start at 6:30pm ET on July 3rd and will be hosted at the CiRCE offices:

The CiRCE Institute
6125 Lumber Ln.
Kannapolis, NC 28083

If you need a hotel, we’d recommend these as the closest.

Hampton Inn Concord/Kannapolis

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Concord

Finally, if you simply must know more about what a Georgian Supra is before coming to this dinner, this is the best article out there describing it.