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David Kern

Words of Wisdom: Douglas Wilson on the State of Classical Education

Douglas Wilson is the Senior Pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho. He is happily married to his wife Nancy for 35 years and counting, has three kids and fifteeen grandchildren. He’s a prolific author and speaker and blogs over at Blog & Mablog. He also debated the late Christopher Hitchens in this documentary about […]

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Words of Wisdom: Rod Dreher on Reading The Odyssey for the First Time

Rod Dreher is a senior editor and blogger at The American Conservative. He has written and edited for the New York Post, The Dallas Morning News, National Review, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, the Washington Times, and the Baton Rouge Advocate. Rod’s commentary has been published in The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, the Weekly Standard, Beliefnet,

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Book Review: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

Anyone who regularly reads contemporary fiction surely has encountered the trend of the time traveling novel – stories that zig-zag between different eras and epochs, challenging our notions of narrative structure, even subverting them at times. Such novels are, seemingly, a dime-a-dozen and too often, for all their narrative creativity, they lack the elements that

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The first time I spent a summer in Wisconsin I was eight, and I rode the upper western half of America in an eighteen-wheeler full of cherries and apples. We’d moved from the Badger state a year earlier, migrating West to the newly booming town of Boise, Idaho, my parents ostensibly chasing opportunity. My father

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Weekly Web Roundup

For the weekend crowd, this is a sampling of what we’ve been reading this week. From CiRCE friend and longtime conference speaker, Martin Cothran: The Wrong Way to Sell the Church’s Position on Homosexuality “There may be a way to do things differently when it comes to a public dialogue on homosexuality, but abandoning the

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A Note of Thanks

Every year we receive scholarship requests from educators who want to attend our conference but who simply cannot afford it. We understand, and it has always been our goal to be able to provide financial aid. Unfortunately, the nature of the conference has prohibited this. We do our best to keep the costs down and

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College: The Golden Calf of the Classical Renewal

I have become increasingly concerned that college has become an idol for Christian Classical educators. Even as university systems and colleges nationwide enter the twilight of their golden age (many of them are bankrupt and cutting programs, particuarly those related to the humanities) we continue to cater to our culture’s college obssesion; we have ostensibly

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