Apprenticeship registration is now open!

Staff and Board


We're a motley crew, we admit, and we're spread out across the country, but we're dedicated to Christian classical education and work hard to see it flourish. Don't hesitate to let us know if there's any way we can help you do the same.


President & CEO
Andrew Kern

Dr. Matthew

Matthew Bianco


Vice President of Training Development
Andrea Lipinski


Creative Director


Financial Controller
Alex Kern


Director of Events and Sales
Matt Kern


Headmistress and Director of Online Training
Patty Bianco


Director of Consulting
Buck Holler


Director of Marketing


Director of Resource Development
Katerina Kern


Program Specialist for Training and Resource Development
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Webmaster & Customer Service Representative

Board of Directors​

Martin Cothran

Andrew Pudewa

Joe Calkins

Tyson Rallens

Board Chair

Nena Harris

Doug Reynolds

Amy Liu

Andrew Kern

At the moment of writing, Andrew Kern has seven grand-children. More trivially, having founded the CiRCE Institute after co-authoring Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America (with Dr. Gene Edward Veith), he has been compelled to serve as its president. Andrew also bears primary culpability for The Lost Tools of Writing, a classical rhetoric and writing resource. Since establishing CiRCE to serve classical educators through research and consulting while developing and providing integrated resources, Andrew has trained and apprenticed innumerable home and school teachers, heads of school, and school boards. He has also defined, defended, practiced, and supported classical education at many conferences, conventions, and book retreats. Andrew helped start Providence Academy in Green Bay, WI in 1993, Foundations Academy (now Ambrose School) in Boise, ID in 1996, The Great Ideas Academy in Charlotte, North Carolina in 2001, and Regents School of the Carolinas in 2006, and the CiRCE Apprenticeship around the same time. He and his wife, Karen, live in North Carolina, and their five more or less classically educated and more or less home educated children and ever more grandchildren live in various places, ranging from Uganda to Georgia, depending on when you ask.

Contact Andrew Kern at

Dr. Matthew Bianco

Dr. Matthew Bianco is the Chief Operations Officer for the CiRCE Institute, where he also serves as a head mentor in the CiRCE apprenticeship program. A homeschooling father of three, he has graduated all three of his children, the eldest of whom graduated from St. John’s College in Annapolis, MD. His second graduated from Belmont Abbey College in Charlotte, NC, where his youngest still attends their great books honors college. He is married to his altogether lovely high school sweetheart, Patricia. Dr. Matt Bianco has a PhD in Humanities from Faulkner University’s Great Books Honors College. He is the author of Letters to My Sons: A Humane Vision for Human Relationships.

Contact Matthew Bianco at

Andrea Lipinski

Andrea Lipinski is the vice president of training for the CiRCE Institute, where she also serves as a head mentor in their teacher training program, the Rocky Mountain Apprenticeship. She trains teachers and school leaders in the art of teaching through mimetic and socratic forms, which are patterned on the foundation of Christ as the model for teaching. She has taught courses in the humanities and writing. She has presented talks from Charleston to Anchorage at conferences and workshops for SCL, CiRCE, Gutenberg College, Belmont Abbey College, and Great Homeschool Conventions. She is committed to a normative and dialectical mode of inquiry. This June she will complete a master of arts in leadership, theology, and society from Regent College. She lives in the Pacific Northwest where she enjoys growing fruit, backpacking the mountains, and sailing the Salish Sea. She is a co-author of A CiRCE Guide to Reading

Contact Andrea Lipinski at

Graeme Pitman

Graeme is always thinking about the look and feel of our advertising and products. He’s our Captain of Aesthetics, if you will. A photographer by training (Rocky Mountain School of Photography), Graeme loves the books of CS Lewis, Dostoevsky, and Wallace Stegner; would swim eight hours a day if he could; and pulls for his woebegone Toronto Maple Leafs. He lives in North Carolina with his wife and three children.

Contact Graeme Pitman at

Alex Kern

Though she hails from Australia, Alex Kern now lives in Concord NC with her cousin and her two nieces. She obtained a B.A. in Theology from Belmont Abbey College, has been working for the CiRCE Institute since 2014, and is now a CIRCE apprentice. You will often find her rock climbing, knitting, or discussing the carnivore diet and conspiracy theories with other Concord locals.

Contact Alex Kern at

Matt Kern

Matthew Kern is the Director of events and the customer service and sales coordinator.  If you are wondering why he is not, or ever was, a CiRCE Apprentice (like most of us at CiRCE) it is because he also works as a mental health therapist and runs his own private practice in his spare time. He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a BA in History and MA in Clinical Mental Health.  He lives in Concord, NC with his wife, Renee, and two daughters, Selah and Zuriah.

Contact Matthew Kern at

Patricia Bianco

Patty Bianco is the Online Training Manager for the CiRCE Institute. She is a homeschooling mother of three, well, was as all three of her children have graduated and gone off to college. She now helps others educate their children and students. She graduated from Buck Holler’s Master Teacher Apprenticeship group through CiRCE. She is married to Matt Bianco. Her favorite book is Pride and Prejudice and she prefers the BBC production of it, even though her husband prefers the Keira Knightley version (she forgives him for that). She prefers tea to coffee (though she enjoys a good latte). 

Contact Patty Bianco at

Buck Holler

Buck Holler is a former horse trainer and rodeo cowboy from Red Bluff, CA. Retiring from the rodeo circuit, Buck headed to New England to study theology and languages at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2001. Since then he has worked in three schools as an educator and moved to raise a family on a farm in eastern NC. Buck first joined The CiRCE Institute as an apprentice in 2007, became a head mentor of an East Coast Apprenticeship in 2017, began the Latin Apprenticeship in 2019, and now serves in Concord, NC as CiRCE’s director of consulting.

Contact Buck Holler at

Alec Bianco

Alec Bianco is the Director of Curriculum, and helps provide schools with the Lost Tools of Writing, as well as helps CiRCE develop new curricula projects. He received his Bachelor’s from St. John’s College, MD, where he studied the Great Books. He is currently pursuing a Master’s in Theology, is happily married, and considers mathematics and music a significant part of a good education.

Contact Alec Bianco at

Katerina Hamilton

Katerina Hamilton has sought to make Classical Education accessible globally through teaching, consulting, writing, and speaking. She studied Fine Art, Art History, and Classics at UNC-Charlotte and the Liberal Arts at Oxford University, where she earned a Masters in Literature and the Arts. After teaching for five years in Uganda, she recently returned to the US and is an Adjunct Professor at Belmont Abbey Honors College and a Consultant and Researcher for the Circe Institute. She particularly enjoys researching Medieval notions of Beauty and Memory, the 7 Liberal Arts, Cosmology, and Mariology.

Contact Katerina Hamilton at

Camille Hunt

Camille Hunt is the mother of six grown children and grandmother of eight. She works for the CiRCE Institute and loves The Lost Tools of Writing, teaching all the levels in online classes, intensives, webinars, workshops, and YouTube videos in addition to her work in curriculum development. Camille has also taught Humane Letters, logic, economics, and government.  She enjoys spending time on her children, travel, reading, music, conversations that deepen understanding, and writing notes to herself on little pieces of paper. 

Contact Camille Hunt at

Andrew Bianco

Andrew Bianco is a web developer and IT specialist for the Circe Institute. He graduated from Belmont Abbey College with a BA in History and completed a coding bootcamp with UNC Charlotte. He loves baseball and is a big fan of the New York Yankees. You can see the work he has done everyday through the Circe website from building the pages to setting up the products for the customers. 

Contact Andrew Bianco at