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Important Notes
2024-2025 Summer Semester and Yearlong Course Registration is closed.
See our 2024-2025 Academic calendar here
Beginning January 15, 2025, CiRCE Online 2025-2026 academic year courses will appear at Kepler Education.
Find Kepler Courses by Schedule here.
Click here for Kepler 2025-2026 Academic Year Calendar
Beyond an Acquisition: The Continuation of a Legacy
The transition of CiRCE’s Online Academy to Kepler Education is the purposeful handoff from one steward to another. This decision reflects a shared dedication to the enduring values of Christian classical education that affords each institution a unique opportunity to focus on its most essential commitments.
Scott Postma of Kepler remarked, “To carry forward the legacy that CiRCE has established is not only a privilege but a profound responsibility. Taking up this mantle will allow us to further our mission of making a classical and Christian education available, accessible, and affordable to families seeking a transformative educational experience.”
Andrew Kern of CiRCE echoed this sentiment, saying, “It’s never easy to let your babies go, but my confidence in Kepler’s character and our shared commitment to Christian classical education ensures me that this is the right decision. It gives me both hope and joy to see them take on this precious ministry.”
A Shared Mission
Since its founding in 1996 by Andrew Kern, the CiRCE Institute has championed the principles of Christian classical education, equipping educators to instill wisdom and virtue through the Christian classical tradition. With more than 20 years of experience, CiRCE has been instrumental in developing resources, teacher training, and innovative curriculum that continue to bless Christian educators worldwide.
Established in 2019 under the umbrella of Roman Roads Press, and now under the leadership of Scott Postma, Kepler Education has pioneered a unique online marketplace, pursuing its motto of “empowering families by liberating teachers” through accessible, affordable, and customizable Classical Christian Education for families. Leveraging modern technology while resting on the time-tested university-model, Kepler has redefined how families can engage with classical education by offering a consortium of quality teachers who have designed courses that foster both intellectual and spiritual growth.
Future Endeavors and Opportunities
Under Kepler’s stewardship, CiRCE Online Academy’s courses will continue to be offered by the same master teachers who have completed CiRCE’s Apprenticeship program, but with expanded opportunities to bring classical education to a broader audience. Over time, Kepler’s consortium model will allow even more teachers to join the renewal, with students accessing a rich variety of classes across disciplines, each grounded in Christian classical pedagogy.
Together, CiRCE and Kepler reaffirm their commitment to nurture the next generation of thinkers, leaders, and faithful Christians who will leaven the culture with wisdom and grace. This decision underscores the mission of both organizations to promote an education that cultivates wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on truth, goodness, and beauty.
Semester Courses - 15 weeks long
Yearlong Courses - 30 weeks long
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Fall Semester
August 19, 2024 – Fall Term begins*
September 2, 2024 – Labor Day (No Classes)
November 25-29, 2024 – Thanksgiving week (No Classes)
December 6, 2024 – Fall Term ends/ Christmas Recess
Spring Semester
January 6, 2025 – Spring Term begins
February 10-14, 2025 – Winter Recess *
March 5, 2025 – Ash Wednesday (No Classes)
April 14-18, 2025 – Holy Week & Easter Recess
May 2, 2025 – Spring Term Ends/Summer Recess Begins*
*Note: Some courses may have alternate calendar due to holidays and breaks; please check with individual teachers for final academic calendar.
Frequent Asked Questions
Registration, Placement, and Payments
How do I register for a course?
Look through our offerings by topic, teacher, or day of the week. Click on the tile to open the product page, fill in the form information, and click add to cart to complete payment for registration.
How much do online courses cost?
CiRCE Courses are led by CiRCE Master Teachers and pricing is set to help reflect the time and preparation for teachers as well as the length of weeks of the course. Actual class times can vary depending on the course.
- 8-week Summer Writing Intensives: $75 registration fee, $500 tuition fee
8-week Summer Reading Intensives: $75 registration fee, $322 tuition fee - 15-week Fall and Spring Semester Courses: $75.00 registration fee, $322 tuition fee
- 30-week Yearlong Courses: $75.00 registration fee, $647 tuition fee (tuition collected through FACTS management service) *payment plans available for yearlong courses
Can adults sign up for online courses?
We intend to keep our student online courses for students ages 19 years old or younger. We do offer many adult training courses and resources, such as intensives, webinars, workshops, Atrium, and Apprenticeship programs. These courses can be found in the drop down under the Training section on our website.
What level should my student sign up for?
For beginner writers, we have IEW, LTW Precourse, and Lost Tools of Writing Level One Courses. The Lost Tools of Writing courses are built upon each level, so students of any age should start at Level One before moving into further levels. For beginner Latin acquisition, we recommend starting with a slower pace class of Oral Latin or Latin IA. Students can develop their Latin skills to be well prepared for Latin I Accelerated once they have reached three years of Latin study.
Why do you recommend two years of LTW Level I?
With any new skill, it takes time and practice to gain mastery. We want students to have a good foundation of invention, arrangement, and elocution elements they can use to assist them in refining their current skills and learning how to write other types of persuasive essays. To gain a good foundation, depending on the student’s age and ability, it can take two or more years of practicing Lost Tools of Writing Level One to be ready for Level II
We completed LTW at home, can we still enroll in a LTW online class?
Many students who have completed Lost Tools of Writing at home or other programs can successfully join the online academy. Teachers may require a sample essay or interview to see what skills have been achieved to ensure they are ready for the preferred course level.
How do we submit any pre-requisite essays to evaluate for placement?
Once you have registered for your desired course, teachers will contact students and parents with a welcome note. You can use this information to send them any required sample essays or ask specific questions on course requirements. If you do not have the teacher’s contact information, feel free to email Patty Bianco, CiRCE Online Headmistress, who can connect you with the instructor.
How do I know if my student is ready for the next level?
If you have a question about placement moving up in an online class, your current online teacher can help provide recommendations for your student(s). If you are new to the CiRCE Online Academy, feel free to email Patty Bianco, CiRCE Online Headmistress, for advice.
Can I transfer to a new course?
If you have already registered for a class and the term has not started, please reach out to CiRCE Online Academy Headmistress, Patty Bianco, to discuss transfer and determine if room is available in the new class.
How do I withdraw from an online course?
Any family wishing to withdraw from a course must do so by notifying the teacher first (if the class has already begun meeting), and then notifying the Headmistress. Please take note of the “Refund Policy.” Failing to attend a class is different from withdrawing from a class and may result in the forfeiture of any refund.
Can I receive a refund for dropping a course?
If you decide to drop a class, tuition will be refunded according to the following schedules:
- Before July 31st: 100% of tuition paid
- Before the end of the second week of class: 75% of tuition paid
- After the end of the second week of class: No Refunds
The full tuition for the term is due according to the schedule set up in your FACTS account. CiRCE is contracted with instructors for the duration of the courses. Note: All withdrawals are final and registration fees are nonrefundable.
What happens if a class does not meet the minimum registration or is canceled?
If registration numbers are not met 2-4 weeks before the class begins, we will offer a transfer to a new course that has met the minimum registration requirement. If the course is canceled and there are not classes to meet your needs for the year, we will issue a refund for the canceled course.
Online Course Information
What do students need to participate in online classes?
- Computer with reliable internet access
- Zoom application with access to camera and microphone
- Unique email address for class communication and assignments
- Canvas student account (free version) * Parents can create a free account to observe the course.
How do students participate in online classes?
Students will use a Zoom link to join class each week. Classes are designed for live participation and recordings are available for makeup classes due to vacation or illness. Students will use a Canvas course to turn in assignments and receive any feedback and assessment. Canvas also is an area to post questions on the discussion forum, contact the teacher, and view recording link.
How much time per week should my student spend on assignments?
Depending on age level and ability, students can take 2-4 hours per week for reading and completing written assignments. Assignments in the first semester can be shorter and take less time than assignments in the second semester for a yearlong LTW course. Latin students should devote time to practice and exercises of at least 30 minutes per day.
What if my student misses a class?
In case of unintended absences due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, the parent or student should contact the teacher to check for any special instructions. Class notes and recordings are available for the student on the Canvas course. It is the student’s responsibility to gather this material and make-up any missed work.
If your child misses a class due to recreational travel or other events that conflict with class time, we request you notify the teacher 2 weeks in advance. Assignments will be due when the student returns to class, unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
What kinds of literature are read and discussed?
In the CiRCE Online Academy, we hold to the belief that Christian Classical education deals deeply with few subjects, rather than hastily with many. We strive to pursue great ideas which are most perfectly expressed in great books and great artifacts.
What is the literature format for the online writing classes?
Our beginner writing classes will typically meet for one hour focusing on literature discussion and a writing lesson for students to practice at home. Some writing classes will use shared stories and other resources to help develop examples for class discussion. Some courses will have set reading material to complete each week for students to discuss during class time and may take anywhere from 90 – 105 minutes for a full class.
Assessment and Tutoring
How are students assessed in the online course?
Teachers assess informally and formally with oral and written feedback on exercises in class and assignments. At the end of each term, students receive an evaluation that outlines progress within the course and areas of improvement. At the completion of the course, instructors will provide a written recommendation for repeating or moving forward with the area of study. Number or letter grades are not issued by the teacher. We have developed a cycle of corrections to help students continue practicing until they master their assignment. Students will receive a complete or incomplete grade for assessment.
Do you keep permanent records?
CiRCE Online Academy does not keep any transcripts or grades from the online courses. Parents are encouraged to keep all written assessments from the online teachers on file for their records.
What grade can I give the student if a traditional letter grade is necessary for an outside program?
Our online teachers can help provide an example of how to convert incomplete and complete assignments to a letter grade, if needed.
What does "Incomplete" mean for an assignment or assessment?
For the CiRCE Online Academy, we believe the purpose of assessment is to motivate diligent effort to achieve known objectives. Assessment must be objective, clear, known, and fitting. Incomplete means that there is more effort needed for an assignment. We encourage students to work to completion on all assignments before moving to the next one. If assignments need corrections or adjustments, they may be marked incomplete and reassigned. An incomplete for the semester or year is an evaluation from the teacher and means that a student may need to practice more skills in the same level before moving up to a more difficult area of study the next year.
How do I list CiRCE Online Courses on a transcript?
If students successfully complete a semester or yearlong writing course, they may be awarded a .5 credit or 1.0 of Composition. Alternatively, Lost Tools of Writing courses may be awarded as 1.0 credit of Rhetoric. Latin courses can be awarded with .5 or 1.0 credit in Foreign Language. Logic course can be awarded .5 Formal Logic and/or .5 Advanced Formal Logic. Course and transcript requirements may vary from state to state, please check with your local state’s regulations for official guidance.
Feel free to reach out to Patty Bianco, CiRCE Online Academy Headmistress, for more guidance.
Do you offer tutoring sessions?
CiRCE does not facilitate any tutoring sessions. Should a student require assistance from a tutor, beyond normal instruction, class time, and feedback, it may be deemed necessary to establish tutoring sessions. If the parent(s) of the student and the tutor agree to such sessions, the tutor should be paid $35 per half-hour session. These tutoring fees are not included in student tuition.