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Why We Need Frog And Toad More Than Ever

If I were not a Christian, Arnold Lobel’s Frog and Toad books would be my holy scripture. When I meet a sane adult, I assume his sanity comes largely from having heard Frog and Toad stories in his youth. Yesterday, I read my sophomore humanities students four stories from a Frog and Toad anthology. It would be impolite to assume you, noble reader, are not intimately familiar with all the Frog and Toad stories, but, in case too many years have elapsed between today and your last reading, I will briefly describe the four stories I read to my sophomores:

In “Cookies,” Toad bakes some very delicious cookies, takes them to Frog, and the two spend all afternoon eating the cookies. They become increasingly concerned by their inability to stop eating the cookies. Frog suggests they invent various devices to separate themselves from the cookies, yet they find ways of returning to the cookies, nonetheless. In the end, Frog feeds the cookies to the birds of the air. The cookies are no longer a temptation.

In “The Lost Button,” Toad loses a button on his jacket, then leads Frog on a tour of all the places the button may be. Many animals of the forest find buttons and bring them to Toad, but none match the button he has lost. As the animals bring the wrong buttons to Toad, he becomes increasingly angered. Finally, he is shouting and stamping. Upon returning home, Toad finds the button he was looking for was under his nose all along. Toad decoratively sews all the wrong buttons on a jacket for Frog as a way of making up for his anger and small-mindedness.

In “Tomorrow,” Toad lays in bed, depressed by the thought of all the chores he will have to do tomorrow. Frog catalogues all the chores and Toad is more depressed than ever by the thought of all the work he will have to do. Then Toad begins doing his chores a day early so that he will not have to worry about doing them tomorrow. In the end, Toad finishes all of his chores, then goes back to bed, now free of worry.

In “A Swim,” Frog and Toad go swimming in a river, but Toad will not permit Frog to see him out of the water because he looks funny in his bathing suit. All the animals of the forest slowly gather beside the river to see if Toad actually looks funny in his bathing suit, but Toad refuses to come out of the water and be seen. Finally, he becomes cold and gets out of the water, even though the animals of the forest are still watching. Everyone laughs at how funny Toad looks. Toad agrees he looks ridiculous, then walks home.

Like many children’s books from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, Frog and Toad stories involve the two titular characters overcoming common problems which arise from vice. “Cookies” is about gluttony, “The Lost Button” is about anger, “Tomorrow” is about sloth, and “A Swim” is about pride. In each story, the only way to beat vice is through some form of suffering. Good things do not happen in Frog and Toad stories apart from suffering, self-denial, or self-control.

Not every children’s book from these decades involved the same kind of lesson-learning, but a great many did. The formula was quite simple:

A happy child encounters some moral or material problem.

The child does not believe he can conquer the problem and becomes unhappy.

Parents and friends help the child conquer the problem and the child is happy again.

Few children’s books still follow this formula, though, and to prove this I would simply suggest you flip through a few best-selling kid’s books at your local Barnes & Noble. After reading my students the Frog and Toad stories, I read them Peter Sis’s book Madlenka (2000). The plot of Madlenka run as such:

A young New Yorker named Madlenka realizes she has a wiggly tooth. She walks around her block telling all the vendors and shopkeepers on the street that her tooth is loose. Each vendor or shopkeeper is from a different nation, and each celebrates Madlenka’s loose tooth in a different way. At the end of the story, Madlenka returns home. Her parents ask her where she has been. She replies that she has been around the world and that her tooth has fallen out.

After finishing Madlenka, I asked my students how it was different from the Frog and Toad stories, and they said that “nothing happened” in Madlenka. They were quite right, for Madlenka is a story with no tension and no drama. Why? Because Madlenka has no problem to solve. A young girl has a wiggly tooth and the whole world celebrates. The celebration begins before the tooth has even fallen out, but the reader does not even get to see the tooth fall out. Rather, the tooth magically falls out on its own at some point in the story, between the pages, I suppose, and Madlenka announces this to her parents on the final page.

If Madlenka had been written back in the 1970s, the whole story would have unfolded very differently. The loss of a first tooth is, for many children, a slightly unnerving experience. First, the waiting. Then a little pain, then a little blood, then dad must tell grisly stories of how wiggly teeth were removed when he was a child. Finally, the child trades a little piece of his own skull to a fairy for a dollar. The 1970s version of Madlenka would have depicted mother and father calmly explaining to a nervous child that losing wiggly teeth does not hurt too much, but that growing up means losing all your baby teeth, and so forth. “When I was your age, I lost my teeth, too,” mother would say. The final page would depict a smiling child holding a dollar the next morning.

However, children’s books have become increasingly squeamish when it comes to addressing genuine human problems, let alone the idea that vice must be painfully overcome through virtue. In the 1970s, a girl named Tina in a children’s book might be afraid to learn to ride a bike, then slowly learn with the help of her mother and friends. Today, the same book does not involve Tina learning anything, but is simply 1) a celebration of the fact Tina can already ride a bike or 2) a celebration of the fact Tina could learn to ride a bike if she so chose or 3) a celebration of the fact that while Tina cannot ride a bike, she can do 50 other interesting things. Granted, not all contemporary kids books are this banal, but one should not pick up a lately published children’s book and expect to find a character like Frog, who recognizes that he and his friend are gluttons and properly concludes, “We need will power.”

Contemporary children’s books are big on celebrations. Were Frog and Toad stories rewritten today, Frog and Toad would feel no need to stop eating cookies but finish the bowl and celebrate their new curvaceous amphibian bodies. Toad would feel no need to clean his house but celebrate the fact that some people are simply messy and others are just neat. I also sense that Toad is— to us, at least— a lost button survivor, and that regardless of how unvirtuously he handled losing his button, he deserves a medal just for having something mildly unfortunate happen to him.

This current tendency (in children’s books and the world beyond) to sidestep problems and suffering and instead focus on praise and celebration has not made our lives more enjoyable, more satisfying, or more peaceable. While lately published articles suggest Americans are among the most stressed out people in the world, I am not content that “most stressed out” distinguishes handling a lot of stress well from handling a little stress very poorly. As opposed to teaching our children that their problems can be overcome, we have lately begun telling them, “You are good. Your problems are part of who you are. Your problems do not need to be overcome, because you do not actually have any problems. The problem is with the world. The world has not properly understood you or celebrated you.” In this, the secular world has largely followed the late Christian tendency to rob people of their right to struggle against sin. “Not perfect, just forgiven” and “God accepts me as I am” are nothing more than half-pious ways of saying, “I was born this way.” No wonder we are such a stressed-out people. We speak as though fighting sin were treason against the self.

While conservative Christians are apt to laugh at the zeitgeist for offering Stanley Cup-sized trophies for nineteenth place, the modern demand for celebrations has subtle ways of creeping into Christian speech, as well. Christian parents are increasingly comfortable asking that exceptions be made for their children. I am not referring to reasonable requests that a child sit out during gym because he has a sprained ankle or an upset stomach. Exceptions are rapidly becoming the rule in parent-teacher conferences. Vices and immaturities are readily written off as by-products of personality. The student who doesn’t like correction is neither proud nor arrogant, but “easily discouraged.” And then there are the myriad issues which are excused by “learns at his own pace,” “not a visual learner,” “takes a long time to process,” “easily bored,” “quite independent,” and, “very smart, actually.” It is not my intention to brush every exception to the rules off the checker board with the back of my hand, but I will say this: a great many people in the Christian world who insist (with doctrinaire certainty) that there are only two genders nonetheless invent thousands of excuses for other abnormal behavior.

Conquering my own problems with stress and anxiety should begin with the acknowledgment that neither I nor my children are special. Special is a curse. Special is an illusion. Special is fake holy. There is nothing wrong with regular children such that mine need to be special. The pursuit of special is contempt for nature. We need to recover an understanding of the expression “most people,” and we desperately need the humility to see ourselves referenced therein. The internet is an absolutely terrible place to make claims about “most people,” because few things charge a man with greater self-importance than the opportunity to claim himself a great big exception to what is true of “most people.” The internet is thus a place where wisdom and common sense go to die, for wisdom and common sense are simply what is true for “most people” most of the time.

Our problem with anxiety and stress will not end until we quit celebrating the faults of our children and teach them to fight those faults, instead. We must let our children fail when they deserve to do so—and sometimes even when they don’t deserve it. In the same way our Heavenly Father did not politick and argue His Son’s path to the top but subjected Him to the rules and allowed Him to suffer, we must also quit politicking and arguing for our children and not treat every kind of suffering as an injustice. If anyone was special, surely it was Jesus Christ, and yet He did not make Himself an exception.

We should consider also how little the Father says of the Son during His earthly ministry and not overpraise our children. We must not insist they deserve better grades and more awards. When our children do a sloppy job setting the table, we must tell them to do better. When they hastily throw together a birthday card for Grandpa, and we know they are capable of much better, we must throw the old card away and start them again with a little admonition on going slowly and coloring inside the lines. They will not die, as Solomon says, and when it is the school’s turn to discipline our children, we must not demand the administration “show grace” and disregard the rules. We must allow our children the unpleasant work of gaining will-power and self-awareness. Our children must learn to see themselves as characters in a story, and we need to understand they are not always sympathetic characters. Madlenka is tyrannically sympathetic, forcibly sympathetic. Peter Sis, Madlenka’s creator, refused to place her in any situation where the reader’s affection was not guaranteed, but Arnold Lobel was willing to put Toad through the wringer— because of this, Toad could win our sympathy and respect. Sis simply refused to make his characters free enough to fail.

So, too, we must acknowledge that the moral universe of Frog and Toad is simply our universe, no discipline is pleasant at the time, and that parents and teachers alike are sometimes obligated to make the lives of students unpleasant. Frog and Toad stories are good stories for most people. Be most people.

15 thoughts on “Why We Need Frog And Toad More Than Ever”

  1. As I’ve shopped for Christmas gifts I’ve largely focused on books and found the stories to be full of nothing. I shop for books at thrift stores to pick up not cheap deals, but better reading choices for my family.

  2. Frog and Toad books are so well done. Not only are the themes meaningful but the books are “my first chapter books” (easy to read) AND genuinely funny, even to adults.

  3. A large part of this problem is that too many children of Christian parents do not go to school and see real teachers any more who point out their mistakes and make them redo their math assignments (and others) when they are poorly done. Homeschooling has become the Christian high road to children being told they are special. They high road to children who end up being intellectually lazy and presumptuous about themselves. And, alas, college will not correct those sins.

    1. “Real teachers”? Parents are primarily responsible for the education and formation of their children. Is it difficult? Yes. Is it necessary to have a degree or license to be a “real teacher”? No. May God bless those parents who sacrifice the time, talent, and treasure needed to educate their children.

    2. I found the reverse was true. I homeschooled my kids and they had a rigorous timetable and challenging work 9am-4pm daily. They went to school for 2 terms and I was shocked at how dumbed down and mushy everything was.

      1. This was my exact experience as a homeschooler. So many people prodded and scoffed, “how do you know you are not behind?” That I was convinced I was! I was shocked when I entered the standard school system in the 10th grade to find I was leagues ahead of my fellow students. no one else enjoyed reading Antigone in English class, no one could listen, attend or address the teacher respectfully. I was in a class of my own when I chose Pride and Prejudice for my book report, my teacher doubled down and asked if I was “sure.” I was then bumped into the gifted and talented grouping because I was “bored to tears” and “always had a 100.”

    3. Saranetta Fiora

      This us absolutely NOT the case. In fact I would argue quite the opposite. Homeschooled children are some of the brightest, well-mannered, educated individuals on the planet currently. That is because in conservative families, the parents are avoiding the status quo. They are still disciplining their children, valuing hard work and morals, and reading books like Frog and Toad. Walk into any public school 1st grade classroom, and you will not find this kind of literature anymore. Public schools are one of the reasons our society has done away with the idea of losing or not being special, i.e. everyone gets a trophy!

    4. A large part of the reason we homeschool is actually to avoid the school system’s tendency towards this type of “universal acceptance”. Many of my kids friends and neighbors go to the local schools; the kids are only given “optional” homework until they’re in 3rd-4th grade. If they complete it, it is not even graded or counted. The one neighbor boy has a looooong history of aggression, running away from his school (and after-care program), and being highly disrespectful to teachers, and the school has bent over backwards to “accommodate his needs”. The kids we know who go to private school (several different ones) report similar experiences, though not as extreme in nost cases. The public school system experienced a shift over the last 20-30 or so years where the students have been held less and less responsible for their own performance. I’m sure there are honeschoolers who are overly lenient in their teaching methods, but to say that homeschooling is a large part of the problem is (at least) debatable.

  4. Wonderful essay so many good ideas

    I question what you mean by “when it is the school’s turn to discipline our children, we must not demand the administration “show grace” and disregard the rules. ”

    It seems they propagate this mode of “teaching” even more than parent’s do right now.

    Anyway I enjoyed this and will always Love Frog and Toad!

  5. Frog and Toad are sweet stories. I find it ironic to say they would be your Holy Bible… Arnold Lobel is certainly not an author I can esteem as high character. I’m surprised it hasn’t been mentioned already, you need to research his life.

  6. Ehhhh…. hmmm…. I have quibbles. In the first place, the smug tone, exaggeration, and straw-manning here kind of belies the preaching about humility and “being most people.”

    Secondly, this piece has oversimplified Frog and Toad (which, by the way, I *do* mostly love), viewing the stories all as virtue-fables. But in fact, the narrative problem (and there always is one: Gibbs is right about that), although it is often rooted in a vice (he’s right about that too), *is often solved by a fib or deception*. (Kind of like how Andy tends to solve stuff in Mayberry, actually.) Frog shrinks Toad’s oversized hat and tells him that “big thoughts” are what did the trick. Frog cons Toad into a fake “perseverance” by telling him a lot of malarky about how to get the kite to fly. Frog pulls off several months of calendar pages to convince Toad it’s time to get up. The entirety of “Shivers” is strongly suggested to be a fiction, spun out by Frog for no clear purpose at all. Toad’s pride is scared out of him (not humbled) by a horrible dream, which gruesomely paints the dangers of pride, but not the benefits of humility (as the myth-fable of Midas scares us away from greed but does not woo us towards generosity).

    Thirdly, even if none of these moral questionables were present in the stories — even if Gibbs’ main point were fully accurate — we would still have the deep problem that his “secular holy scriptures” are, per his own analysis, just one more works-salvation story. (I’m not sure this is *really* what F&T is–certainly not what it’s trying to be–but that’s how Gibbs paints it.) We don’t need yet one more “salvation by penance and virtue” religion. We got lots o’ those.

    To be clear: I am in favor of virtue. :) I acknowledge that it is not “innate” and does not “come naturally,” but in fact takes hard work and practice. I also concur that much of the “celebration of nothing” and “specialness” and “fragility” that Gibbs takes issue with, really is problematical, and really does undercut the inculcation of virtue in our youth. BUT: virtues are the building blocks of culture, NOT of righteousness towards God. Or put another way, “hard work –> happiness” is a main point of Proverbs… but not of the Gospels. Our good character and hard work (if we happen to live in a relatively just and stable culture) tends to gain us material blessings. But as far as the Kingdom is concerned, these are “filthy rags.” It is in the person and character and work of *Christ* where we find “every spiritual blessing” and assured eternal happiness.

    I believe Gibbs understands this, and that “If I were not a Christian” is a critical caveat to his first line (even if the remainder is hyperbole). If we all lived merely “under the sun,” then virtue would be the best we could manage and its rewards the best we could hope for. (Unless, of course, Nietzsche were right, which would be a distinct possibility.) But I think he’s overdone the glowing praise of F&T and missed an opportunity to drive towards real Truth.

    In sum: Frog & Toad is important (though imperfect) literature. It has formed me in (mostly) good ways from early childhood up. It’s better than most of what is produced now (and better than most of what was produced back then, I have to think: 90% of what’s written in *every age* is rubbish). [Like “Calvin & Hobbes”] it is insightful and funny and often helpful in thinking sagely about the world; and we should ensure our kids get a healthy dose of it. But [as with C&H] let’s not forget the needed correctives; and above all, let’s not make it more than it is.

    1. This article was recently shared with me. As a principal at a Lutheran school, I find it very helpful. Your comment, Ben, is much more helpful. It seems the temptation of all parents is either (maybe both at the same time) to raise their children as lazy and incompetent bums or as better-than-everybody-else pharisees. Obviously no good parent wants either of those outcomes for their children, but what a challenge it is to take the narrow path between them! May we all–parents, teachers (homeschool, parochial school, or public school), and anybody else who has impact on the lives of children–recognize this challenge, learn the lessons from this article and Ben’s reply, and raise our children as redeemed and sanctified children of God, striving both for virtue and humility in all their stations of life, for the sake of their neighbors, while first resting in the grace of Christ for their own salvation.

  7. Sheila Thoburn

    Frog and Toad are wonderful stories to learn from, and I’m thankful that this article reminded me of how well written and valuable these tales are. I’m using them with my junior high literature and my high school rhetoric classes to review themes as well has using humorous devices in storytelling.

    Yes, Lobel was not a godly man, but we plunder the Egyptians. And as Frances Schaeffer points out, even non-Christians may reveal Christian worldviews in their works because they reflect the consensus of Christianity. There is so much to learn in a joyful and simple way from Frog and Toad.

    Thank you for the reminder so that I could use these treasures!

  8. Pingback: Why Comfort Isn't Always Kind: Lessons From Frog & Toad (Supercharge Your Child's Resilience!) » FutureSTRONG Academy

  9. Frog and Toad are amazing storied to learn from. The Frog and Toad series, written by Arnold Lobel, continues to charm readers of all ages with its timeless stories about friendship, love, and the simple joys of life. https://soinspiring.com/frog-and-toad-quotes/ and explore the timeless wisdom and humor found in these quotes continue to inspire and bring joy to readers of all ages

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