If you learned that Fox News was producing a five-part documentary series which described the merits of classical Christian education, what would your response be?
Choose one or more of the following options.
A. I would have to see the entire series before I made any judgement on it. It could be helpful to classical Christian education, or it could be harmful.
B. I would be unreservedly happy because the series would help pull Christians out of public schools. Anything that pulls Christians out of public schools is good. Classical schools would grow “as the waters cover the sea.” The more the merrier.
C. I would be reservedly happy because the series would help pull Christians out of public schools, but it would also give classical Christian education a lot of unwanted attention in the media.
D. I would be unreservedly happy because the series would bring both positive and negative attention. Positive attention will increase our numbers and negative attention in the media will keep us sharp. The more classical Christian schools are persecuted, the better they will become.
E. I would be reservedly happy because the series would bring awareness of classical Christian education to families that are already classically minded, but it would also bring a flood of baptized Tik-Tok stars and baptized gamers to classical schools, who would be better off in non-classical Christian schools.
F. I would be unreservedly happy because I love Fox News, I love classical Christian education, and what could be better than two things I love joining forces?
G. I would be reservedly happy because I like Fox News, but I am also a bit skeptical of some Fox News fans, and I’m not sure I want more die-hard Fox News fans at my school.
H. I would be disappointed that MSNBC wasn’t doing the series because the apostles rejoiced when they were “counted worthy of suffering disgrace” for the Name.
I. I would not care because I don’t view classical Christian education as a movement, and so I have no concerns about our numbers rising or falling.
1 thought on “A Personality Quiz About Fox News And Classical Education”
I would be disheartened that classical education allowed itself to be alligned with the political sphere.