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Developing Virtue Through Understanding.

A final exam I recently gave on The Consolation of Philosophy.

Write a conversation between yourself and Lady Philosophy. Lady Philosophy wants you to be happy, although you have recently gotten away with something sinful and you think you might feel better once you have confessed it to the person you sinned against. You have your reasons for not confessing it.

Consider some sin you have actually committed, although do not describe it. I don’t want to know what it is. Refer to this sin obliquely, vaguely. The conversation you have with Lady Philosophy should regard this actual sin. Lady Philosophy is trying to convince you to reveal this sin, but you are reticent to do so. Reveal your knowledge of The Consolation by synthesizing the Lady’s rationale for the unpunished wicked being more miserable than the punished wicked. Put up a real struggle with the Lady, though, as does Boethius.

You should only conclude the conversation you write here with your own character convinced to confess if you plan on leaving this classroom to confess the sin over the weekend. Otherwise, you will have to defeat Lady Philosophy’s arguments.

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