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CiRCE Staff

Disoriented Wisdom

Guest post by Matt Bianco When we think of wisdom, we often think of Solomon as the embodiment of it. Solomon’s wisdom came primarily as a gift from God but he also studied the animals and plants of the world, further developing this gift and he undoubtedly learned from his parents as well. His wisdom

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Providence Classical (TX) Seeking Headmaster

Providence Classical School is seeking a headmaster to lead the school in communicating and implementing its mission and vision. Qualified candidates will be devoted Christians and disciples of classical Christian education. They will have a proven track record of achievement, a Master’s level Degree, and be an intellectual leader passionate about proactively engaging with children,

Providence Classical (TX) Seeking Headmaster Read More »

Oakdale Academy (MI) Seeking Upper School Math/Science Teacher

Upper School Science/Math: The ideal candidate for this position will be able to teach a variety of upper level math and life science classes for students in grades 6 through 12. Candidates should have command of their subject matter and be able to communicate it effectively to students. Specific courses for 2012-13 include Biology, 6th

Oakdale Academy (MI) Seeking Upper School Math/Science Teacher Read More »

Agape Christ (MN) Hiring Staff for Inaugural School Year

The Board of Agape Christi Academy, a classical, Christian school in the southwest suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota, is hiring staff to help launch its inaugural academic year in 2012-2013. Agape Christi Academy exists as an extension of Christian families in the biblical command to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The

Agape Christ (MN) Hiring Staff for Inaugural School Year Read More »

Interview: Ty Fischer

Ty Fischer has served as Headmaster of Veritas Academy for 15 years, on the ACCS board for the last decade, and was the Managing Editor of Veritas Press’ Omnibus Project. He has watched the growth of classical Christian education since 1997. We asked him a few questions about the trends that he has witnessed during

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Classical Education After the Digital Revolution – Part 2 of 3

BY MICHAEL SACASAS This is part 2 of a 3 part series. For part one click here. I think you will find among classical educators, homeschool parents included, the conviction that education is a sacred and moral undertaking aimed at something more than earning good money, achieving distinction, or even accumulating knowledge for its own

Classical Education After the Digital Revolution – Part 2 of 3 Read More »

Pioneer Classical School (WY) seeking teachers

Grammar Teacher (Grades 1-3): Pioneer Classical School, a new Christian grammar school in Jackson Hole, WY seeks a teacher who would like to team teach two very small clusters of three students each. Position requires a significant knowledge of classical education/curricula, the Core Knowledge scope and sequence, and a pedagogical philosophy aligned with the principles

Pioneer Classical School (WY) seeking teachers Read More »