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Patrick Egan

Patrick Egan is an author, lecturer, and administrator at Clapham School in Wheaton, Illinois. He is the author of and the Scriptural Narrative of 1 Peter (Pickwick, 2016). He completed is Ph.D. from the University of St Andrews in 2011. Patrick blogs regularly on ancient wisdom for the modern era at">

Habit Training Part 3: A Classical Christian Understanding of Habit Training

So far in this series we have explored what habit training is in part 1, and how it is done in part 2. In this final article, we will explore the why question. Perhaps you have read Simon Sinek’s Start with Why, and like me you are convinced of his thesis. Maybe this article should […]

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Habit Training Part 2: The Practice of Habit Training

Freedom is gained only through discipline. Discipline is regular, continual effort to enact self-governance in some way. Discipline comes in many shapes and sizes, from budgeting to exercise to reading. In each of these examples, one applies oneself to self-govern in order to enjoy a future freedom. We budget in order to enjoy financial freedom.

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