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Question & Answer Webinar – Australia


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* December 2nd at 5pm EST – United States*

* December 3rd at 9am AEDT – Australia* 

This past April, CiRCE was fortunate enough to host an online conference for our newest friends in Australia. Together, we pondered the necessity of a classical education, the basics of classical education, and how we can put a classical education into practice. Like all new friendships, we are just getting to know each other and need your help in better understanding your needs.

So, we figured what better way to find the answer than to ask!

This December 3rd at 9am (AEDT) Andrew Kern, Andrea Lipinski, and Dr. Matthew Bianco will be hosting a FREE Q&A webinar exclusively for our Australian friends with the goal of asking you what you need. Please tell us what topics you would like to see discussed, what support you feel is lacking, what resources you need, and how can we help Australian educators establish classical education in their homes and schools, all so we can better serve you when we once again host a FREE online conference this upcoming April. 

Upon registering for free to this webinar, you will receive an access link to this Q&A session. From there, just log in a few minutes before 9am on Saturday morning and you are all set.

Please share this invitation with as many friends as you would like. We are looking for as much guidance from you as we can receive, so the more the better!

Talk soon!