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LTW II – Its Purpose & Nature – Webinar Recording
  • Publish Date
    : 2021-01-26


Availability: In stock

LTW 2 Purpose - Webinar Recording
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**** Webinar Video Recording ****
The Lost Tools of Writing Level II builds on Level I, but contains some important differences from Level I. Come gain insight into the purpose of Level II in order to see its nature.

This webinar will explore the ideas behind Level II and how it fits into the whole of Rhetoric. We will discuss the purpose of judicial rhetoric and how to treat it according to its nature. Next, we home in on Judicial Address 4 to see examples of Level II in action.

JA 4 is different from all the other addresses in Level II. We will discuss its invention, its arrangement, and its elocution in order to approach teaching it with ease so that our students can know and experience new ways of thinking and perceiving more truths. If you’ve already taught this lesson this year, it’s still not too late to deepen your understanding of these ideas and explore them more fully with your students since this invention shows up in every later judicial address, plus everything we ever study or decide.

NOTE: A link to the video recording will be emailed to you upon purchase.