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We Are the Preparers

Are you busy enough yet, mom, teacher, mom and teacher?

Advent: a time of preparation. Perfect. We are the preparers.

We fill stockings, bake cookies, prepare devotions, cut out snowflakes, bake gingerbread houses, wrap presents, attend meetings and recitals, take pictures, decorate trees and mantles, and most of all we try to make it all mean something. We the preparers prepare. That is what we do.

I know you can see it coming a mile away. Jesus told Martha that only one thing was needful. But that is not the message of Advent – that time of preparation.

The real truth is that Advent is not about the meals we make but about that meal we cannot make. During Advent we are not celebrating what we can do but what we cannot do. One thing is not needful. (Hallelujah!)

The table is set. The bread is broken. The wine is poured. The stable is ready.The sky is festooned. God approaches man. God is with man. God is man.

Hallelujah, The Lord God omnipotent reigneth. The Kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever.

King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Hallelujah.

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