- Our first scholarship, worth $1500, offers an all-inclusive seat at the retreat, plus a $100 travel stipend.
- Our second scholarship, worth $650, offers an all-inclusive seat at the retreat for half the normal rate.
Click here to learn more about the retreat and what we mean by “all-inclusive”.
Here are the nomination rules:
- The Nomination period is one week. Nominations must be submitted by Monday, May 27th
- You can’t nominate yourself. You have to be nominated by a colleague, friend, or employer
- Nominees must be actively and currently teaching
- Nominators must be able to articulate why the nominee is deserving
- Nominations MUST be submitted via our online web form, found here.
Meet IEW
Our good friends over at The Institute for Excellence in Writing are among the world’s leading purveyors of writing curriula and resources. Led by founder and principal speaker, Andrew Pudewa, the IEW crew has been a consistent and dedicated inspiration to us. They’re helping to lead a revolution in the way we think about education, especially as relates to writing, and we hope you’ll get to know them.
Click here to visit their website.