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Michael James Thomas Hoffman

Michael Hoffman is a high school Junior and Roman Catholic from Erie Pennsylvania. He enjoys playing and composing music, redrafting his incomplete novels, running, and Taekwondo sparring.

Utopia and the Danger of “Sticking to the Text”

 The classical revival movement in education has reintroduced the study of the great books of Western civilization to curricula. I know of very few modern causes that are more worthy. However, without naming names, I know of far too many great books programs that seem to be under the impression that it’s indoctrination to teach […]

Utopia and the Danger of “Sticking to the Text” Read More »

Does Formal Debate Really Belong in Classical Education?

I don’t know what happened to her in the end, but I know that by the middle of the school year my 9th grade debate teacher was more than ready to quit her job. Between the threats, standoffs, and the downright contentiousness that turned every discussion into a competition, teaching all of us was probably

Does Formal Debate Really Belong in Classical Education? Read More »

Ashamed to Play So Well? What Plutarch Gets Right About Musicians and Pride

 Musicians are not usually the most humble people you’ll meet. I will never forget my bitter annoyance when one of my fellow orchestra members in middle school was appointed concertmaster in our intermediate level children’s orchestra. What had she done to deserve being placed above me? I went so far as to propose a violin

Ashamed to Play So Well? What Plutarch Gets Right About Musicians and Pride Read More »