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Audrey Haas

Audrey Haas dreams big dreams and ropes her husband into putting legs on some of them. They live with their five children, ages seven to fifteen, in the red hills of northern Florida, in a community of friends who love learning and adventuring too. Audrey especially thrives on book clubs and good food, sometimes in that order.

Hall of Mirrors

Nine days. Nine days since I settled in the Francis Marion’s cozy couch, swathed in my fuzzy sweater, holding Judi Dench’s book about Shakespeare in my lap, surrounded by CiRCE friends. Nine days since we worshiped and listened and talked and grew together with these precious people from across the country. Nine days since my […]

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Living Symbol

Nine days and counting. Nine days until five children are safely deposited with their Mimi and Poppa. Nine days until my husband and I merge onto the interstate on-ramp with his favorite Expeditionary Force audiobook rolling. Nine days until I get to introduce him to the world-within-a-world that you and I all know as the

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