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Buck Holler

Buck Holler is a former horse trainer and rodeo cowboy from Red Bluff, CA. Retiring from the rodeo circuit, Buck headed to New England to study theology and languages at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2001. Since then he has worked as an educator and administrator in CA, New York City, and eastern NC. Buck first joined The CiRCE Institute as an apprentice in 2007, became a head mentor for the East Coast III apprenticeship in 2017, began the Latin Apprenticeship in 2019, and now serves in Concord, NC as CiRCE’s director of consulting.

The Mimetic Form

The Mimetic Form embraces a particular movement of departure and return. When we model our instruction and learning on this form, we are imitating a pattern God has embedded within the nature of the physical world, the pattern by which he reveals himself to us, and the pattern according to which he has fashioned our

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