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Bryan Simpers

Bryan Simpers was born in Japan and teaches Middle School Humanities at Providence Classical School in Williamsburg, VA. Bryan and his wife Amy have three children, three cats, two dogs, two Guinea Pigs, two goldfish, and at last count, twenty-nine free-ranging chickens. Bryan has been a firefighter, character interpreter, writer, reluctant actor, and a supervisor at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Cellar

The shower was hot and wonderful. I could feel the cares of the day – the obligations, the worries, the responsibilies – drain away. Washing armpits, I made tentative after-shower plans that included an adult beverage and sitting on the couch with my wife. Turning off the water, I heard the sound that causes every

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The Toad In My Garden, Or, the Importance of Non-Goal Oriented Teaching

Earlier this summer I resolved that I would plant a garden. Nothing large or particularly taxing, just an 8 x 8 foot plot, turned with a shovel. I went to the big local hardware/nursery place to get some seeds, only to find that their remaining vegetable seeds had been returned to the warehouse. It was

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