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I cannot pass up the opportunity to say, to shout at the top of my lungs, a great thank you to everyone who is praying for and supporting classical education through the work of the CiRCE Institute. In the last couple weeks nearly 50 people have registered for the 2011 conference (!) and you have already moved us more than half way to our prayer target of $30,000 in donations by year end.

Through your prayers and participation you have put CiRCE on the soundest financial footing we have ever attained and we are looking forward to serving you more vigorously and intelligently than ever.

What’s next? We want to serve you better through our research, our conference, our consulting, our apprenticeship, and through the Lost Tools of Writing and other materials, quite a few items of which we hope to roll out over the next couple years. To those ends, we need one or two new staff members as well as new office space for them to work in. Another $15,000 by year end would enable us to bring on one new staff member in a productive capacity. $25,000-$30,000 more (total) would enable us to secure the needed office space.

Please keep us in your prayers as we can do nothing without the grace and provision of our Lord through you His people.

With a full and joyful heart: THANK YOU!

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