Dr. Edward Tingley makes the point that there is no universal idea of health in his talk: Recognizing Post-Modernism. Here’s a link to this talk at Augustine College, where Dr. Tingley preaches.
He’ll also be speaking at our conference this July.
This point is important. Can you have a free people if the government is determining what health is for every member of the society. First, why would we count on the government to define health correctly? After all, many people in our country believe that health requires a walk with God. Others believe it requires lots of sexual activity.
Our government would not be indifferent to these questions if it created a health care system based on their definition of health. They would either accept, modify, or reject the ideas. But why should they say anything at all about them?
So that more people can have health care, is the postmodern answer. And once again we choose to survive rather than to be free.
Need I say that when you choose health over freedom you deserve neither and will lose both.
Next, why would we count on the government to make sound decisions about the movement of money and our health. We can’t trust the huge insurance companies, and they at least have a profit motive. What motive does an unaccountable agency have to care for people.
Only neighbors love.
Will you be in Dallas to think with us about how to educate a free people?