{EDITOR’S NOTE: The following post is the first in a series dedicated to introducing to the readers of Quddity the men and women who will speaking at this summer’s CiRCE Conference: A Contemplation of Liberty. Up next is Paula Flint, of The Flint Academy in Arlington, Texas.}
Additionally, Dr. Flint trained in the Great Books discussion method, classical/Christian education and administration, Waldorf school techniques, Charlotte Mason educational training at the Ambleside Schools International. She trained in numerous special education techniques and interventions.
Her professional experience includes teaching in both private and public schools, at all elementary grade levels, junior and high school English, and at the university level training teachers. She has taught students in special education with emotional/behavioral disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities, and dyslexia. She has also worked in private practice as an educational diagnostician, dyslexia remediation specialist, and behavior specialist.
In addition to running her school, Dr. Flint promotes full inclusion by providing training, at other private schools, for teachers who would like to learn how to successfully include students with disabilities in their general education classrooms. Her Circe conference seminar this summer will consider that topic.