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Year End Efforts

Our year-end fund-raising drive had goals in stages, ranging from $20,000 to meet needs up to $50,000 to direct resources toward multiplying the information and resources we provide to educators and parents.

As of right now, it is 10:07 eastern on December 31 and we are about $2000 short of our low end goals. If you appreciate the work and vision of the CiRCE Institute, would you please consider making a year end donation? If 100 of you contribute $20, we’ll be in good shape for January. And we’ll be very, very grateful.

Please Click HERE to contribute

If you are among the many who have lost your jobs or are struggling financially, please offer up a prayer for us and we’ll gladly do the same for you if you let us know what we can pray for on your behalf. I can think of no higher honor.

Please rejoice with us. Our Lord keeps us providing for us in His own way!

Thank you.

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