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A Celebration of Logos & Pathos: Youth Conference
July 17
- July 19, 2025
Francis Marion Hotel, The Gold Ballroom

The 2025 CiRCE Youth Conference will take place in Charleston, SC, July 17-19, at the Francis Marion Hotel.

The man often simply described as The Philosopher, Aristotle, identified three modes of persuasion: logos, pathos, and ethos. Logos is the truth, or a statement of truth, or logic, or reasoning that gets us to the truth and moves us. Pathos is the emotional statement that moves us. Ethos is the believability of the authority of the speaker and the role it plays in moving us or persuading us.

In our world, logos and pathos are often at odds with one another. People use one or the other, people abuse one or the other all in an attempt to win us over to their perspective. What is logos and its role in moving us? What is pathos and its role in moving us? Are they enemies or friends with one another? With us?

In a story like Prince Caspian, should Lucy follow Aslan because logic tells her to? Should Lucy follow Aslan because her heart, and her emotions tell her to? Do logic and emotion disagree? Should they? So many questions arise when we just place logos and pathos alongside each other. How many more might arise when we try to celebrate them?

This year is CiRCE’s second annual high schoolers conference, and we are calling high school-age students to come together and celebrate Logos and Pathos: what are they, what authority do they have over us, what authority should they have over us, how do we choose between them, how do we follow through on the choice that is made? Come join us!



Registration for the Logos and Pathos conference does not get you access to the Contemplation of Building conference, and registration for the Contemplation of Building conference does not get you access to the Logos and Pathos conference. Please do not cross over into the other event. In other words, while desire may make you want to cross over to the other conference, duty prevents you! If attendees from one conference are caught attending sessions from the other conference, they will be asked to leave (the session). Also, please do not ask CiRCE employees for special permission to cross-over into the other conference.

College-led sessions are not presentations by a college representative on why you should choose their college. College-led sessions are led by a professor from the college to demonstrate what a class looks like at their school. It may be a lecture or presentation, it may be a seminar-style discussion, that depends on the college’s own way of teaching classes.

Confirmed Speakers

Joshua Gibbs

Dr. Matthew Bianco


Andrew Kern

President & CEO

Francis Marion Hotel, The Gold Ballroom


Frequently Asked Questions

We recognize that the attendees of this event are primarily going to be ages 14-18. If the attendee is under the age of 18, the parent or guardian must be present at registration. There they will fill out a waiver explaining their responsibility for the child and their actions. The parent/guardian then does not need to be present for the event, but must promptly pick up the child at the end of each day (unless the family is staying at the Francis Marion Hotel.)
The following meals will be provided for attendees: Wednesday – Hors d’Oeuvres (registration evening) | Thursday – Breakfast and Lunch | Friday – Breakfast and Lunch | Saturday – Breakfast | Note: This event does not include the Paidea Prize banquet
Attendance is open to anyone aged 14-20.