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Giving, Saving, and Staying Free

A quick report for those who love us and then an announcement about the 2010 conference:

In our year-end drive to raise $50,000 we are doing pretty well. So far, we’ve received $16,000 total, $8000 in donations and another $8000 pledged for the conference.

That’s a big help. Year end is always a challenge for small non-profs, so I have to say as fervently as words allow me how very thankful I am to those of you who have given or pledged resources.

Another $7000 by year end will enable us to enter the new year without taking on any new debt.

And we are happy to receive donations of any size.

So happy, in fact, that no matter how much you donate to raising children able to function as free citizens of our country, we will give you a link to download a whole bunch of CD’s from our conferences – and these are some of the best talks to come out of the CiRCE conference.

In 2010 we plan on convening in Dallas on July 15-17. Our theme is a Contemplation of Liberty and we’ll explore the role of education and our schools in remaining a free people.

Free people and slaves are taught differently. Which do our schools follow?

Free people and slaves are assessed differently. How do our schools assess?

Free people and slaves think differently. How are we teaching our students to think?

I hope you’ll come join us in July. If you or your school would like to sponsor the conference, please E-mail me (I’d say call me, but am reluctant to post my phone number here. I’ll call you when I receive your E-mail;

Keep your eyes open for an announcement about super discounter super early registrations!

To donate and download the free MP3’s, click the dark red banner to the left.

And finally, later today or at least by Monday we’ll be posting the special Christmas CD set with talks from the conferences on the meaning of the incarnation.

For all you have meant to and done for CiRCE (and me): THANK YOU. A thousand thank yous!

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