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CiRCE has the best readers

Last week we began the pre-launch of our 2009 fund-raising campaign, in which you can receive seven free downloads for any amount of financial support for the CiRCE Institute. I’m going to try really hard to avoid posting about it too often so this doesn’t turn into an NPR station.

But I have to tell you some wonderful news. Our goal for this year’s campaign is a conservatively ambitious $50,000, which would enable us to conduct the 2010 conference and direct the needed resources at the development of key resources.

Already, before even officially launcing the campaign, you have made over 20 donations totalling over $1000. How can we thank you enough?

We’re trying to do so by giving you access to the free MP3’s of some key conference talks – something we’ve never attempted in the past.

If you already know you would like to help us continue our service to the Christian classical community, please go to this page and partner with us.

If you’d like more information, please visit this page or read my updated presiden’ts report.

Also, the CiRCE board is working on a more detailed letter that you can look forward to reading either on line or in the mail.

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