The Lost Tools of Writing, being a modern version of classical rhetoric and an application of the “Organon” (tool – these are the “lost tools” Dorothy Sayers was writing about) of Aristotle, is the foundation of everything you will study with the possible exception of mathematics.
It is the trivium.
LTW is, by far, the most efficient and the most essential curriculum material you will ever use.
- It is the foundation for traditional, formal logic, because it teaches material logic.
- It is the foundation for science, because it teaches scientific reasoning.
- It is the foundation for literature, because it teaches how to read and imitate great writing.
- It is the foundation for philosophy, because it teaches how to think through issues and gives the tools for doing philosophy.
- It is the foundation for historical studies because it teaches how to read and respond to historical texts.
Let me push it a step further and say what I really think.
The Lost Tools of Writing provides tools for students without which they are not really educated.
And on top of all that, every teacher needs it because teaching is a rhetorical and thinking activity. Every teacher.
Give us a call and we’ll let you know how your school or home can plunge even more deeply into the glories of Christian classical education. (704) 786-9684.