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The Steroid CiRCE is on!

When my doctor put me on steroids, I felt an amazing level of energy for a couple weeks, which has caused me to focus even more than normal on the amazing power to get things done that energy is. I’ve been driven by the question, how can I increase the energy level of the CiRCE Institute.

Then God gave us one of the most amazing gifts we’ve received in a long time.

Perhaps you have noticed that James Daniels has been contributing to this blog over the past couple weeks. That’s because James Daniels has joined the CiRCE team and is now a full time consultant for Classical schools. If you know and have worked with James, you know that this is a great blessing for the whole movement.

For me personally, James is, in the best use of the analogy, like steroids for my soul and for the institute. For one thing, James has a first rate mind and he is willing to both develop and challenge my ideas. That energizes me.

For another, James has established his reputation as one of the leaders of the Christian classical renewal through his work at Westminster Academy where he was the dean of the upper school. He was responsible for building one of the most innovative and thoroughly classical curriula in the country. He was also involved in teacher development and research. Since the CiRCE Institute is the Center for Independent Research in Classical Education where the result of our studies is Consulting and Integrated Resources, you can probably see how smoothly James fits into what we are about.

James is available to work with your school or group for teacher training, curriculum development, leadership development, board and headmaster relationships, board retreats – all the things CiRCE has been involved in up to this point.

You’ll want to secure his services soon, because his schedule is already filling up. He’s got bookings into February, and then out as far as August. As of right now, you can request his service between March and May, but I don’t expect him to keep those dates open for very long.

Give us a call to learn more or to make an appointment with James. Your school or community will be blessed by his ministry. I know CiRCE already has. He’s given me great energy and has nourished the goodwill of our clients already. All of this helps with the cash flow as well. All three factors required for success in one person! Tha’ts why hiring right is so important and why your school will benefit from James work. He’s one of the reasons CiRCE is on steroids!

To learn more call us at 704 786-9684 and keep your eyes peeled for updates on our web site.

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