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St. Athanasius’ On the Incarnation

Monday, November 28, 2022
Monday, December 19, 2022
Dr. Matthew Bianco

Can’t make it live? All sessions will be recorded and available in a Canvas classroom.

Join Dr. Matthew Bianco for this Advent and Christmas devotional. For four weeks, we will read through St. Athanasius’ On the Incarnation. Each week, we will read a portion of the text on the call, followed by a discussion of what was read. After four weeks, we will have read aloud and discussed the entirety of St. Athanasius’ seminal text.


“When I first opened his De Incarnatione I soon discovered . . . that I was reading a masterpiece. . . . Only a master mind could, in the fourth century, have written so deeply on such a subject with such classical simplicity.” – C.S. Lewis

Each week we will seek to increase our devotion to the coming of our Lord, in His incarnation and His awaited Advent. This devotional journey through On the Incarnation will begin with a reading of C.S. Lewis’s famous introduction to the text, and continue as we strive to better understand the purpose of Christ’s incarnation and the impact of it on the world—past, present, and future—and on us.

We will be using this edition, which includes the preface by C.S. Lewis.

Sessions will meet on the Monday after each Sunday of Advent, from 4:00-5:30pm ET.

Session 1 – November 28, 4:00pm ET

Session 2 – December 5, 4:00pm ET

Session 3 – December 12, 4:00pm ET

Session 4 – December 19, 4:00pm ET


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