The CiRCE Online Conference Begins This Friday!
Springs too Deep For Taint: A Personal Journey to the Fountain of Wisdom


Andrew Kern


Presented at the CiRCE Regional Conference 2021.

When mid-way through the wanderings of his life Andrew Kern stumbled upon the works that inspired the classical renewal, he knew at once that he had discovered a fountain of pure, spring-fed waters. But every fountain has a source and Kern had to find it. In the grip of madness, he began to dig. What he found, to his astonishment, is a treasury that dragons would die for. He also found that he had not reached the conclusion of his quest. Instead he discovered its purpose, value, and direction. The Knight-errant had found his mission. In this opening talk, Kern recounts his discovery, what he found there, and why he is so compelled to share it.