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LTW III Online Course
Cyndi McCallister
Cyndi McCallister
Suggested Ages
15 - 19 years old
Satisfactory completion of LTW I & II and the submission of one completed essay from Level II.
Registration Number
Required Texts

Year Long Course.

Cost: $75.00 Registration Fee, $647 (Billed through FACTS Management System)

In LTW III, we learn to make decisions about a future action. We assume a perspective, find a necessary question, generate an issue, and attempt to persuade the audience (the decision-maker) to act: either to implement a change (the proposal) or to maintain the status quo. We learn special topics to find advantages: honor and/or utility. In addition, we add three new and powerful tools: the modes of persuasion, the four causes, and analogical reasoning.

The deliberative outline adapts the elements (amplification, narratio, proof, etc.) to the needs of the deliberative address. New schemes and tropes are included, along with paragraph coherence and cohesion.

When we have to make decisions about the future, the problem is obvious: we don’t know it. In real life, that means any decision we make is, to some extent, uncertain. Therefore, the bigger purpose of studying Level III is to grow in wisdom and prudence by practicing making difficult decisions from which we can learn principles and habits of decision-making for our own lives and communities. We will experience these principal truths as we see through the eyes of some of the greatest characters in literature from Homer and Sophocles. Students will enjoy the weekly dramatic readings of Greek poems and tragedies as part of the course catechism.

– Recommended Texts –

30 Poems to Memorize Before It’s Too Late by David Kern
The CiRCE Guide To Reading By Andrea Lipinski and Andrew Kern
Highlighters (pink, green, yellow, orange, and blue)
The Space Between A Guide to the Iliad by Andrew Kern and Brian Phillips
A Journey Home A Guide to the Odyssey by Andrew Kern and Brian Phillips


LTW Level III & Greek Literature
2:00 PM
3:30 PM


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