Six Weeks to Socrates – A Six-week Intensive
February 28
- April 4, 2022
When: Mondays, February 28 – April 4, 2022, 4-5:30 ET
Leader: Dr. Matthew Bianco
> Can’t make the class live? Everyone who signs up will receive the recordings to watch later.
> Certificates of Completion will be available as requested. Attendance and viewing can be confirmed.
Socratic teaching is one of the hallmarks of classical education. The classical teacher teaches Socratically. We read books and attend workshops on Socratic teaching as part of our training to make that happen. What is Socratic teaching, though? How do you do it? How do you do it well? How do you assess it? Does it look different between a single teacher and a single student than it does between a teacher and a classroom of students?
In this six-week course, Dr. Matthew Bianco will introduce Socratic teaching as it was modeled for us by Plato through the character of Socrates. Not just a class on the theory and philosophy of Socratic teaching, this class will give a practical guide to teaching like Socrates. It will cover
- The prerequisites
- The stages
- How to begin a lesson
- The tools of the dialogue
- The rules of the discussion (especially for group sessions)
- How to assess a lesson
This course is geared primarily toward teachers, parents, and anyone interested in Socratic dialogue, the dialectic, and group discussions.
Note: Classes will be held on Monday afternoons, from 4:00-5:30 pm (EDT), Feb 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4
Confirmed Speakers
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