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LTW III Online Course
LTW Level III & The Russians
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
Felicity Tompkins

In this course we will read and discuss Russian works by Gogol, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, and Dostoevsky as we learn to make decisions about a future action using LTW Level III as our guide. In Level III we will learn to write the Deliberative Essay where we assume a perspective, find a necessary question, generate an issue, and attempt to persuade the audience (the decision-maker) to act: either to implement a change (the proposal) or to maintain the status quo. We learn special topics to find advantages: honor and/or utility. In addition, we add three new and powerful tools: the modes of persuasion, the four causes, and analogical reasoning. The deliberative outline adapts the elements (amplification, narratio, proof, etc.) to the needs of the deliberative address. New schemes and tropes are included, along with paragraph coherence and cohesion.

Suggested Ages
15 years old and up
Students must have satisfactorily completed courses in LTW I & II. Admission to the LTW III is by invitation/permission only.
Registration Number
Required Texts