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LTW II Online Course
LTW Level II & Dorothy Sayers’ Mysteries
11:30 AM
1:00 PM
Krista Sanders
Krista Sanders

This course picks up where LTW Level One course ended and therefore is open only to returning students or those who have spoken with the instructor. Instruction will begin in the fall with a review of Level One material. Then the class will learn to write the Judicial Essay,  all while learning and mastering new Topics of Invention, Arrangement tools, and Elocution skills. Level 2 essays will include citations, a focus on the audience, problems of bias, and explorations of justice, laws, evidence, and motive. Students will use the updated Lost Tools Level 2 edition for this course.

With a good foundation of Lost Tools of Writing Level I, students are ready to take on Level II. In this class we learn the judicial address, and we ask the issues “Whether X did Y” and “Whether X should be punished for Y.” Using new special topics, we explore evidence, motive, and an array of new persuasive techniques.

Our class will read and use Dorothy Sayers’ mystery novels to discuss and use for our judicial address issues.

Suggested Ages
14-18 years old
Successful completion of LTW Level I
Registration Number
Required Texts