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LTW I ADV Online Course
LTW Level I Advanced & The Classical Epics
3:35 PM
5:15 PM
Jacob Douvier

Students will fight on the plains of Troy with Achilles and Hector in The Iliad, journey home after the war with Odysseus in The Odyssey, and set out with Aeneas across the seas on a dangerous journey to found Rome in The Aeneid. They will reflect on the decisions made by these characters and write about them using the Lost Tools of Writing Level I. Students will review the most challenging aspects of Level 1 before progressing on to writing Comparison Essays using Lost Tools of Writing Comparison.

Note:  Students and parents should be advised that this is a reading-intensive class.

Suggested Ages
14-18 years old
Completion of Lost Tools of Writing Level One
Registration Number
Required Texts