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IEW Online Course
IEW & Medieval Tales
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
April Langan

Using IEW’s Medieval History-Based writing lessons, students will spend the year working on key word outlines, summarizing references, and reports, as well as learning to add beauty and interest to their writing with “dress-ups” and sentence openers. IEW’s Structure and Style engages the student while providing a solid foundation of techniques that can be integrated into many types of essays.

Building on the resources in IEW’s Medieval History-Based writing lessons, students will read through tales and legends inspired by the same time period. The thrilling adventures of King Arthur, the heroic battles of Beowulf, and the mythical tales of the Norsemen are sure to enchant young readers. Students will also be delighted to discover the influences of these great stories as they read through The Hobbit at the end of the year.

IEW & Medieval Tales is perfect for upper elementary students that are taking their first leap into writing or on an additional “tour” of IEW. We will be covering Units 1-9.

Additional Reading: Literature selections will be children’s versions of the tales of King Arthur, Beowulf, and Norse Myths plus The Hobbit. A complete list will be provided by teacher.

Suggested Ages
9-12 years old
Registration Number
Required Texts