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2024 FORMA Symposium
January 26
- January 27, 2024
Belmont Abbey College

Friday, Jan. 26 – Jan. 27, 2024,
9am – 4pm.
Lunch will be provided.

FORMA contemplates ancient ideas for contemporary people. We are a community of classical educators and thinkers who seek to better understand the Great Ideas and their influence on contemporary culture.

This year, we have the pleasure of announcing a new FORMA conference called the FORMA Symposium, to which we are inviting both speakers and attendees to join the classical renewal and in person discuss classical education, Great Ideas, and the future of the classical renewal.

What is the FORMA Symposium?

This is unlike the other CiRCE conferences, in that speakers will present peer-reviewed papers, and rather than learning from a few select speakers, all attendees will engage in the work of the symposium by asking questions, presenting ideas, and reviewing each others work. At our first symposium in January 2024, we will explore the theme “logocentrism.” What is the nature of a cosmos centered on and by the logos? What is the nature of truth expressed through the logos? How does our understanding of the logos impact our relationship with truth and therefore all learning? How might a logocentric cosmos dictate the logocentric school? Together, we will seek a richer understanding of the logos in its varied forms and the implications of living within a cosmos ordered by the Logos Himself. Participants are free to define logocentrism as narrowly or broadly as their research and judgement demand.

Registration Pricing:

  1. Regular: $147
  2. Clergy: $100
  3. Spouse*: $70
  4. Student: $70

*(The spouse price is for the spouse of someone who has already purchased an attending ticket.)

Do I have to submit a paper to attend?

No, you can attend the Forma Symposium without submitting a paper.

Wondering How this will work?

Each session will consist of 4 presenters and a moderator, in which each individual will present their paper for 12-15 minutes. Once each individual has presented their paper, a moderator will ask questions and then open it up to the audience for Q&A.

The paper will likely be longer by word count than what the 12-15 minute presentation allows. Your presentation should consist of a summary of your main points and main arguments. The feedback you receive from the peer review and the audience at your presentation will help you refine your longer paper for future publication.

D.C. Schindler

At this conference, we have a rare opportunity to engage critically with a text with the author in the room! For our plenary session on Friday, we invite you to submit a paper in response to D.C. Schindler’s book, Retrieving Freedom. If your submission is accepted, you and three others will each give a 10-12 minute presentation responding to Dr. Schindler, after which he will be given the opportunity to respond to the panel. This will be a popular panel, so make sure to get your papers in soon!”


If you would like to join the symposium, please submit a proposal for your paper for review by December 31st, 2023. By submitting a paper, you are also agreeing to review another author’s work. Each author must review at least one other piece in order to qualify for presenting their paper at the symposium. The FORMA Symposium is committed to communal inquiry, to which this peer-review process is essential.

After the symposium, we will select papers between 4-7k words for publication in the FORMA print journal. Submissions for the symposium should be between 200-300 words. Papers should follow the Chicago Manual of Style. If published by FORMA, all publications are the property of CiRCE Inst.

Please submit your proposal and a short bio to with “Symposium Submission” as the title.


Confirmed Speakers

D.C. Schindler

Katerina Hamilton

Director of Press

Michael Buck Holler

Director of Consulting

Dr. Matthew Bianco


Andrew Kern

President & CEO

Belmont Abbey College

EST time
January 26

9:00am - 10:00am - Plenary I - Andrew Kern
10:15am - 11:45am - Platonic Thought and the Logos:

  • Heather Shirley - Treasures of the Chest
  • Gary Hartenburg - Logocentrism and Persuasion in Plato’s Republic
  • Theodore Madrid - Logos and Dialectics in the Timaeus and Republic 
  • Dr. Matthew Bianco Plato and the Forms and the Logos

12:00pm - 1:30pm - A Response to D.C. Schindler's Book, Retrieving Freedom
1:30pm - 2:30pm - Lunch

2:30pm - 4:00pm - Considering the Quadrivium:

  • Elliot Grasso - The Art of Living Well through the Practice and Patterns of Music
  • Phillip Johnson - Logocentric Information Theory: A ressourcement of Christian Platonism towards Contemporary Thermodynamics 
  • Alec Bianco - Logos and the Concept of Number
  • Andrew Kern - Toward a Restoration of the Mathematical Arts

4:15pm - 5:45pm - On Virtue:

  • Jocelynn Tomaw - Teaching Economics Logocentrically
  • Winston Brady - The Problem of Evil vs. the Incarnation of Christ  
  • Peter Forrest - Disney Princesses or Doomed Atoms? How Philosophical Anthropology Informs Classical Education
  • Andrea Lipinski - Hicks' Norms and Nobility and Cultivating Virtue  


January 27

9:00am - 10:00am - Plenary II - From Wonder to Rest: Imitating the Logos - Buck Holler
10:15am - 11:45am - Finding the Logos in the Arts:

  • Courtney Layton - Art as a Key to a Logocentric Education
  • Brooke Ramsey - The Watcher at the Window: Contemplation, Form, and Meaning in the Writer’s Consciousness 
  • Maggie Bell - Listening to the Logos  
  • Sara Osborne - Caring for the Sojourner: Inviting Struggling Students Home Through Logocentric Learning  

12:00pm - 1:30pm - Regarding Literature:

  • Daniel Shirley - Psychosomatic Pathology: The Disfunction of Archetypal Organs in the Modern Context 
  • Josh Herring - Truth and Reality: A Priori Assumptions for a Christian Literary Theory Demonstrated in a Comparison between Richard Wilbur and Wendell Berry  
  • Stephen Mitchell
  • Thomas Pope - A Mind on Fire: The Challenges and Opportunities for Pentecostal Education
  • Annie Crawford - The Mind of the Reader: Trinitarian Foundations for a Logocentric Literary Theory

1:30pm - 2:30pm - Lunch

2:30pm - 4:00pm - Praxis:

  • Jennifer Patterson - Logocentric Praxis: Hospitality in the Classical Learning Environment
  • Eric Wearne - A Survey of Classical Hybrid Schools
  • John Southards - Recovering the Lost Art of Philology: A Proposal for Christian Classical Educators
  • Karen Travis - Logocentrism in the Transitioning School 

4:15pm - 5:45pm - Church Leaders:

  • Dr. Matthew Bianco - St. Maximus the Confessor and his use of Logos
  • Tonya Rozelle - God’s Intention for the Human Mind  
  • Matthew Walz - Benedict  XVI, Doctor of Reason 
  • Robert Lee - Edwards on Education: Using Images to Create Affections