Beauty will Save the Child
How the Christian Classical Tradition Satisfies the Needs of the “Whole Child
Hyatt Place Hotel
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Fusce gravida, augue pulvinar tristique commodo, metus sem porta tortor, a elementum massa lorem sit amet arcu. Curabitur orci arcu, dapibus in congue vel, aliquet in felis. Morbi egestas odio augue, eu volutpat dui laoreet eget.
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Hyatt Place Hotel
Hyatt's COVID policy:
Due to COVID-19, the Hyatt is not taking reservations at the hotel. In order to book over the phone, please call the central reservation line. If calling you will need to share your group code above with the agent.
Please click here to book your hotel room on our block at the discounted rate!
Group code: G-CICA
February 4
9 am - 4 pm: Pre-conference. With Andrew Kern and Matthew Bianco.
7 - 9 pm: Conference Registration & Welcome Reception.
February 5
8:30 am: Plenary A
10:00 am: Plenary B
11:45 am: Breakout Session A
12:45 pm: Lunch
2:15 pm: Breakout Session B
3:45 pm: Panel Discussion
February 6
8:30 am: Plenary Session C
10:15 am: Plenary Session D
12:00 pm: Breakout Session C
1:00 pm: Lunch
2:30 pm: Breakout Session D
4:00 pm: Breakout Session E
7:00 pm: 2020 Paideia Prize Banquet
February 7
8:30 am: Plenary Session E
10:00 am: Q&A Panel
11:30 am: Plenary Session F
12:30 pm: Closing Remarks (Andrew Kern)