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The Way of the Torpedo Fish: Virtue, Suffering, and Repentance


Heidi White


Presented at the CiRCE Fall Regional Conference 2024.

In a famous conversation between Socrates and Meno, the discussion centers around a searingly relevant question for parents and educators — can virtue be taught? But, as Socrates points out, how can we answer such a question unless we know what virtue is? These queries are particularly pressing in an era like ours when the surrounding spirit of the age is increasingly secular, ideological, and devoid of institutions that care about virtue at all. In a culture that has lost its way, how can Christian classical education address the enduring dilemmas of the nature of virtue and how it is acquired? And are the classical conclusions of Socrates and Meno congruent with the teachings of our Lord? In this talk, Heidi White delves into the teachings of Socrates and Jesus to present a clear but perhaps surprising path to virtue. Drawing from classical and Christian tradition, Heidi will lay forth a vision of meaningful virtue formation in the home, classroom, and beyond.