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The Beginning of Meaning


Dr. Matthew Bianco


Presented at the 2024 CiRCE National Conference: A Contemplation of Prudence.

“There is a crisis of meaning in the modern world. As C.S. Lewis points out in his Abolition of Man, men will not die for a syllogism, but they will for the “”crudest sentimentalism about a flag or a country.”” The modern world promised us facts and information, as if facts and information would give us meaning and the will to live and to live rightly. But, the modern world was wrong, or it lied to us. Join Dr. Matthew Bianco as he considers how we can begin to reestablish meaning, real meaning that gives us a will to live and to live rightly, by helping us to consider how we can prudently build up “”the crudest sentimentalism”” yet without creating a false and saccharine sentimentalism that will fail us or our children.”