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Picking Up the Mirror – Webinar Recording
  • Publish Date
    : 2021-01-25


Picking Up the Mirror - Webinar Recording
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*** Webinar Video Recording ***

How do you know yourself as teacher? We plan lessons, we read books, we teach lessons, we practice skills, we attend to facts, we discuss ideas, and we do it all again the next day and the next week. How do we come to understand what our students are learning? We pay attention to their discussion skills and we assess the assignments which we designed for them. Since we are deciding what they learn and we are assessing if they learn, ought we also assess how they learn by looking at the one who is teaching them? Join Master Teacher Andrea Lipinski in this webinar on picking up the mirror of self assessment. She will discuss questions you can ask, skills you can practice, as well as three columns you can use to assess your teaching.

NOTE: A link to the video recording will be emailed to you upon purchase.