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Mimesis’ Power to Calm the Storm


Andrea Lipinski


Presented at the 2024 CiRCE National Conference: A Contemplation of Prudence.

People imitate what they see and hear. Have you watched your students read a section of a story where the character licks her lips and the students do likewise? Have you heard yourself say the same words that you have heard spoken by a friend? Have you watched an instructional video so you can do likewise? People are imitators. People become what they behold.

To calm the “plan, teach, assess” storm, observe Andrea lead a couple of short lessons, then compare them to one another, and identify what was happening. Mimetic instruction guides students to contemplate types in order to understand ideas in embodied form. This instruction enables students to perceive truth and then to apply it, and this instruction enables teachers to prepare for students to grow in wisdom and virtue. Join Andrea in contemplating mimesis’ power to calm storms.