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Habbakuk: A Dialogue Revealing the Prudence of Justice


Jonathan Councell


Presented at the 2024 CiRCE National Conference: A Contemplation of Prudence.

The Prophet Habbakuk challenges God’s omniscience, Justice, and Power in the dramatic form of a dialogue. Beginning with indignation and ending in praise, this small book provides a powerful and mysterious look at the Divine oikonomia; the economy of God. The Prophet Habbakuk struggles with the enduring issues surrounding evil, suffering, and the seeming triumph of the wicked over the righteous. He asks questions that arise from many of today’s issues. Does God know what is going on? Does He care? Is He able to do anything about it? God answers him. Further, like Socrates in The Republic, God will address the all-important question of why it matters that we behave justly, and how it could be advantageous in this life.