LTW Level I & Your Choice
11:00 AM
12:00 PM

Kelly Clawson
This year-long course on persuasive essays is the foundation built by Level I that prepares students for the classical rhetoric addresses that follow in LTW II and III, the judicial and deliberative addresses. In LTW I, students learn the three kinds of tools that help them with the problems that all writers face: what do I write about, how do I organize and choose my thoughts, and how do I express them in meaningful ways. Those tools are the canons of Invention (what do I write about), Arrangement (how do I choose and organize my thoughts), and Elocution (how do I express them in meaningful ways). Students learn the tools that make up those canons, tools like good questions (the common topics), the ANI, introductions, refutations, & conclusions, and parallelism, simile, and metaphor—among many others! Students may use literature from other classes, or well-loved stories. Short stories will also be furnished to use as examples in class.
Additional Texts: Students are expected to use either reading from other classes or stories and books they are familiar with. Short stories will also be furnished to use in class as examples, and students my use them as well.
Suggested Ages
12 years old and up
Basic understanding of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
Registration Number
Required Texts
- Lost Tools of Writing Level I Student Workbook